To measure the angle which composed of terminal plates of C2/ 3 to C7/ T1, added the angle of procurvation and retroflexion each segment to get the extension of the intervertebral space and compare the change with them. 角度测量是自C2/3至C7/T1逐个节段测量其终板所成夹角,前曲与后伸位测得的夹角相加得出单个节段椎间隙活动范围,比较手术前、后角度变化。
The nerve innervations, terminal innervation ratio ( TIR) and axonal terminal branch of motor end plates in paravertebral muscle biopsy specimens from 23 patients of IS and 11 of CS were compared. 并于术中取IS组23例,CS组11例顶椎旁的椎旁肌,进行神经镀银染色,观察其神经终末支配率及神经终板。